Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique
with Ryan D'Herde


Artist development and direction at Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique 

 During the 2017 spring semester of composition, ryan d'herde was asked to speak about the importance of artist direction and interconnecting art-forms at the world renowned Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris, France. 

 "Once these students graduate, they are put into an environment where many outside forces are introduced to the creative process. Making money, interviews, media, other art forms, and competition are things students do not prepare for in school. If they do not understand or know how to handle the challenge, they will not be able to get anywhere with this prestigious degree. I came in to teach students how to take these forces as an advantage and really make the best out of a degree in performing arts, without having to go get a business degree as well!" - Ryan D'Herde

 Along with teaching artistic direction, Mr. D'Herde was able to sit in on the students mid year performances which took place at the one and only philharmonie de paris. Each student performed a original piece in front of their Alumni and teachers, to further have a session of advice and critiques by professors and students. 

Ryan D'Herde at philharmonie de paris

Ryan D'Herde at philharmonie de paris